Basic Rest API Using Basic Template of Yii2
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Basic Rest API Using Basic Template of Yii2. Here, i have configured rest api for basic application template in Yii2, hope this will helps.
There are several approaches to do the web-service, but i prefer the way of configuring rest with in app modules as following ways.
-@app -modules -api -modules -v1 // Prefer way of configuring web services {} -v2 // For future version. v2.0
*Note the api module have nested modules which can be configured by any ways. Either in config.php or as in the following *
namespace app\modules\api;
* A Parent API Module.
* This might contains nested modules, as defined in init();
* @author TNChalise <>
* @created_on : 18 Dec, 2014, 9:41:45 PM
* @package pp\modules\api\Api
* @version 1.0
class Api extends \yii\base\Module
`public function init()`
`$this->modules = [`
`'v1' => [`
`// you should consider using a shorter namespace here!`
`'class' => 'app\modules\api\modules\v1\VersionOne',`
`'v2' => [`
`// you should consider using a shorter namespace here!`
`'class' => 'app\modules\api\modules\v2\VersionTwo',`
And with the some url-manager magic, you are done with the rest-confuguration. Please see the UserController under app\modules\api\modules\v1\controllers, for the verbs allowed.